I have a strange problem when installing beta4 into VMware 4.5.2: CD1 and CD2 are installed without problems, but CD3 is not recognized - YaST keeps asking for it. I use the ISOs and connect them to /dev/hdc in VMware. ....Otherwise the installation of packages from CD 2-5 will fail afterwards.") - but I'm not sure because it fails with CD3.
I had the same problem except that I am using the latest Vmware v5.5 (VMware-workstation-5.5.1-19175). The install process blocked when I gave it the 3rd CD. After hiting ENTER a couple of times, I finally chose "Ignore" and voila, I had the same problem for the 4th CD. I chose "Ignore" again and the install process asked for the 5th CD. The 5th CD ran without any problems and the installation continued up until "Hardware Configuration" page setup where there is still a problem on the "Hardware Configuration" setup page. I believe that is last problem is related to Sax2 configuration process under Vmware. Regards James