On Mon, 29 Apr 2019 23:36:23 +0200, Knurpht-openSUSE <knurpht@opensuse.org> wrote:
Which makes me wonder, why is there no postgresql12 yet to test with?
But IMNSHO that list is a mess too.
NSO? You're being honest, and rightly so.
You have a mix of Tumbleweed, Leap15.0, and various SLES versions active.
I need - sigh - Microsoft SQL Server on this box (against my will) to convert database content from project to project. I could not find a repo other than sles12 + Leap to install it from. MS-SQL is the only thing I use Leap/SLES for and fully against my will/ These, and the other thread, are *NOT* my choice of products. I have to, and TW - together with the other repos - currently offers exactly what I need.
And, as per other thread, you're trying to keep 'dead' software projects active on behalf of other users.
If only I were able to "migrate" all MS-Windows users to something useful, but alas, the management has decided that MS is the default workspace environment, and I bet many of us Linux users just have to deal with that.
Again IMNSHO not the way to maintain an infrastructure.
And I agree. Alternatives welcome.
All this is, one day or another, going to lead to a completely broken infra.
As long as it is not (yet) and it gives me the tools to do my job, it makes me happy. -- H.Merijn Brand http://tux.nl Perl Monger http://amsterdam.pm.org/ using perl5.00307 .. 5.29 porting perl5 on HP-UX, AIX, and openSUSE http://mirrors.develooper.com/hpux/ http://www.test-smoke.org/ http://qa.perl.org http://www.goldmark.org/jeff/stupid-disclaimers/