Anyone who disagrees with that premise, can not just stop commenting on this thread, but find another Project to bother because you should not be welcome here. As the father of a child that came out to be a part of the LHGTBI community: Wanna be a bigot, a homophobe (fear of homosexuality does not exist, being an asshole does), then this community is not for you. If that means loss of users, so be it. Cutting out the rotten flesh is healthy. And needs to be done rather yesterday than tomorrow. Their membership needs to be revoked, they need to be banned, not moderated. The colors are about including people, with full respect for their being who
Op vrijdag 26 mei 2023 17:05:46 CEST schreef Richard Brown: they are. If you can't bring yourself to that, fuck off, find yourself some excluding "community". Don't refer to me as a Board Member. I am a father with 3 children, and I want neither of them to be bigotted like some of you in this thead want. THEY wear the rainbow colors with pride, thanks to themselves and the people accepting/ likeing them for who they are. -- Gertjan Lettink a.k.a. Knurpht openSUSE Board openSUSE Forums Team