Some description: go to yast software management, choose "installation summary" filter, and check "not install" checkbox. this will result in hangup of y2base for few minutes - list of packages is too long. I close window and kwin offers me to terminate process y2base, because it is unresponsive. After that i try to access yast SW management again, and got "Accessing the package Management Failed", it is still locked by prevoius y2base process, which was not terminated. Thereby 2 questions: 1) Locking y2base process: can it be prevented? i mean can be given possibility to interrupt such long indexing process harmlessly? 2) What part in my case is responsible for correct terminating of unresponsive process? kwin? And why process was not terminated correctly? Thanks in advance. -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: