Please note that this mail was generated by a script. A collection of maintenance updates was released for Slowroll. Released 104 packages: * OpenIPMI * antlr3 * apache-commons-jxpath * argocd-cli * arkade * asciidoc * brltty * cairo * crmsh * cyrus-sasl * dd_rescue * docker-compose * elixir * fence-agents * fnott * gajim * gettext-runtime * hsqldb * jcuber * jffi * jisp2 * jline3 * juniversalchardet * jwordsplitter * kxml * kyverno * libreadline-java * maven-bundle-plugin * maven-jar-plugin * maven-javadoc-plugin * mchange-commons * mozilla-nss * mupdf * nanoxml * native-platform * neovim * objenesis * ollama * opennlp-chunk-models * opennlp-postag-models * opennlp-tokenize-models * pam_pkcs11 * paperclips * pyenv * python-Deprecated * python-Jinja2 * python-SQLAlchemy1 * python-azure-servicebus * python-datashader * python-flexcache * python-flexparser * python-holoviews * python-hvplot * python-nbxmpp * python-oauthlib * python-pip * python-ptyprocess * python-pyrad * python-pyrsistent * python-pyserial * python-pytest-mpl * python-resampy * python-sparse * python-specfile * python-tesserocr * python-urwid * python-xapp * python39 * qpwgraph * rancher-cli * rhino * river * rke * rpcs3 * rsync * runawk * sac * salt * sbt-boilerplate * sca-patterns-alp1 * sca-patterns-sle15 * scala * scala-ant * scala-java8-compat * scala-parser-combinators * scala-stm * schemaspy * setools * slf4j * strawberry * template-resolver * test-interface * tls * typesafe-config * usbutils * virt-v2v * wlroots * wsdl4j * xalan-j2 * xorg-x11-server * xwayland * yast2-storage-ng * zeal * zoxide