On 12/6/22 10:35, Richard Brown wrote:
Dominique is pointing out that the non-port, mainline, of Tumbleweed/Factory will be continuing on its merry way aligned with the needs of openSUSE's main sponsor.
The sponsor, who I add, provides all of our build hardware, all of our test hardware, and all of our release management manpower for Factory mainline.
That's what I meant in my other mail: openSUSE is not a porter-friendly distribution. What you are describing here, e.g. build hardware, is a no-brainer in Debian, for example. We've got one loaner machine from IBM plus two PowerKVM instances, both hosted as OSUOSL at Oregon State University and have more than enough capacity to build packages for 32-bit and 64-bit PowerPC as well as providing a porter box to developers, i.e. test hardware. If providing a second x86_64 baseline in openSUSE causes so much pain and effort, it's a problem with how the distribution is maintained and not with the porting idea in general. Adrian