On Sun, 03 Feb 2019 14:00:01 +0100, Dominique Leuenberger <dimstar@suse.de> wrote:
Please note that this mail was generated by a script. The described changes are computed based on the x86_64 DVD. The full online repo contains too many changes to be listed here.
Please check the known defects of this snapshot before upgrading: https://openqa.opensuse.org/tests/overview?distri=opensuse&groupid=1&version=Tumbleweed&build=20190201
Please do not reply to this email to report issues, rather file a bug on bugzilla.opensuse.org. For more information on filing bugs please see https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Submitting_bug_reports
I have no idea what package-change caused the return of a DNS problem: closing the lid to go to hibernate on one network and opening the lid to activate on another network does *not* update /etc/resolv.con causing all kinds of network-access problems. I had this problem back in 09-2018 too (I reported it on IRC), and it was fixed a few releases later (at least *after* 2018-10-12).
Packages changed: aaa_base (84.87+git20181210.841bf8f -> 84.87+git20190109.b66cf03) bash (4.4 -> 5.0) binutils build (20181206 -> 20190122) ca-certificates-mozilla (2.26 -> 2.30) dbus-1 dbus-1-x11 dhcp dmidecode dracut e2fsprogs (1.44.4 -> 1.44.5) elementary-xfce-icon-theme (0.13.1~git6.c377da86 -> 0.13.1~git11.25ff77b0) epiphany flac flatpak-builder (1.0.1 -> 1.0.3) fwupd (1.1.2 -> 1.2.3) hardlink hdf5 iproute2 (4.19 -> 4.20) issue-generator (1.6 -> 1.7) kernel-source (4.20.2 -> 4.20.4) libcontainers-common (0.0.1 -> 20190125) libgpg-error (1.33 -> 1.35) libva (2.3.0 -> 2.4.0) libva-gl (2.3.0 -> 2.4.0) mc (4.8.21 -> 4.8.22) multipath-tools ncurses nghttp2 (1.34.0 -> 1.36.0) openblas_pthreads (0.3.4 -> 0.3.5) pcsc-gempc (1.0.7 -> 1.0.8) perl-Encode (2.98 -> 2.99) perl-Test-Simple (1.302141 -> 1.302160) polkit-default-privs (13.2 -> 13.2+20190128.da9c3c6) publicsuffix python-MarkupSafe python-certifi python-psutil (5.4.8 -> 5.5.0) python-pycryptodome python-pyparsing (2.3.1~test5 -> 2.3.0+git.1546912853.bf348d6) python-requests python-setuptools python-six python-tornado python3 (3.6.5 -> 3.7.2) python3-base (3.6.5 -> 3.7.2) rdesktop (1.8.3 -> 1.8.4) readline (7.0 -> 8.0) remmina (1.3.0 -> 1.3.1) rpm rubygem-i18n (1.5.2 -> 1.5.3) salt shadow shotwell sqlite3 sudo (1.8.26 -> 1.8.27) sysconfig (0.84.3 -> 0.85.0) systemd systemd-presets-branding-openSUSE systemd-presets-common-SUSE tcl (8.6.7 -> 8.6.9) thunar (1.8.2 -> 1.8.4) tk (8.6.7 -> 8.6.9) udisks2 (2.7.6 -> 2.7.8) update-alternatives upower util-linux (2.33 -> 2.33.1) util-linux-systemd (2.33 -> 2.33.1) xfce4-panel-plugin-mpc (0.5.0 -> 0.5.1) yast2-python-bindings (4.0.7 -> 4.0.8)
-- H.Merijn Brand http://tux.nl Perl Monger http://amsterdam.pm.org/ using perl5.00307 .. 5.29 porting perl5 on HP-UX, AIX, and openSUSE http://mirrors.develooper.com/hpux/ http://www.test-smoke.org/ http://qa.perl.org http://www.goldmark.org/jeff/stupid-disclaimers/