Hi Thomas!
On Fri, 2023-06-23 at 09:52 +0200, Thomas Zimmermann via openSUSE Factory wrote:
I use ppc64 and ppc64le for testing various DRM drivers. The ppc64 variant is mostly interesting for its big-endian feature.
I wasn't aware of the ppc32 build. Do you have a link to the installer ISO? I'm interested in trying it.
If Debian is okay for your testing purposes, you can use the Debian images I am creating on a regular basis. These always contain the latest kernel in Debian unstable.
I would love to do the same for openSUSE, but I haven't found anyone to help me with the effort.
There hasn't been an installer medium for ppc32 for like ever... only ppc64 and ppc64le; IIRC, ppc32 is 'only' enabled to provide multi-arch support (aka -32bit packages) to ppc64.
All published artefacts for ppc64/ppc64le (and the ppc32 rpms) are at http://download.opensuse.org/ports/ppc/tumbleweed
Cheers, Dominique
PS: and the ppc64 installer does not work since a long time and nobody cared sufficiently to get this in shape: https://bugzilla.opensuse.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1205401 bug boils down to 'installation-images' not being buildable due to multiple deps being broken
I have an older install that I kept up-tp-date from time to time. So I didn't notice.
Until like 3 weeks ago, we wasted openQA cycles on it:
Given your's and Adrian's answers, I think I can live without ppc32 and ppc64.
et al:
PPC linux has been the bastard child of linux for many years, back in '07 roughly was when I was looking for something to keep my PPC machines running, but the project was more or less abandoned over time . . . . I still have an iBook 32 bit that runs I think I got it to lubuntu 18.04??? I might have known about the Debian option, but back around '12 I dropped out of Debian due to the unfriendly forum behaviors . . . . Now I have two 64 bit Debian installs on my '12 Mac Pro, both run fine, Sid and Bookworm. I would check into running a Debian install on the iBook, except for the 946MB of RAM that it came with . . . not enough RAM to do anything on the 'Net . . . . Sayonara to PPC32 bit services. : - 0 F