Am 30.03.23 um 18:42 schrieb Per Jessen:
Carlos E. R. wrote:
Or, copy the old script to /usr/local/sbin, unless that is not advisable.
Or - oh horror - move with the times.
I still think the main point is that you don't actually dabble with building initrds yourself, you are happy to follow instructions to do so, when needed. In the future, no one is going to direct you to run mkinitrd, so what is the point of having an alias.
well, the instructions you will google will lack 1 or 2 years... and you will somtimes face a bug for the workaround you will nee to do yourselfe a mkinitrd. example: https://bugzilla.opensuse.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1181768 but this mails here will move away from the original post/problem, so maybe we should stop or go to another list. simoN -- www.becherer.de ----------------------------------------------- - Das ist die vorlaeufig endgueltige Version! - Herbert C. Maier Dipl.-Ing. (FH) -----------------------------------------------