Hi ! meister@netz00.com schrieb:
the result: installation broken. I tried to update via YaST (update if newer version available), but lot's of packages YaST wanted to update was not available. Midway in the update the X-server died and also YaST, rendering the system in an unuseable state. So I deleted the partition: in the end all my tries to make Linux (SuSE 9.3,10.0,10.1a[12], Fedora4, Debian testing) work on my laptop failed. I think it is build for windows, it works with windows, so I will use windows on it.
Which kind of notebook you own ? In principal any of the distributions mentioned above should run on your notebook. Have you tried to run some test programs e.g. memory test application as shipped on SuSE medias ? Never give up ! Best regards, Reinhard.