Hi Volker, On Thu, Apr 30, 2015 at 03:14:40PM +1200, Volker Kuhlmann wrote:
rpm -q rsyslog-doc --requires rsyslog = 8.4.2
Just because I want to read the rsyslog docs doesn't mean I also want to install rsyslog. Or I might want to uninstall rsyslog but keep the docs around.
Documentation shouldn't require the installation of the software itself. postfix-doc doesn't either.
Problem exists in oS 13.2 and factory.
Could someone remove this requirement?
Maybe you? Where is rsyslog maintained is the question we need to get answered while we ignore all the copies from home: projects in the OBS. osc se rsyslog | grep -v ^home: It looks like rsyslog is maintained in the Base:System project and therefore we have to call: osc bco Base:System rsyslog bco == branchco == branch and check out with one shot. Next we go to our local check out/ copy any modify it: cd home:vokul:branches:Base:System/rsyslog/ vi rsyslog.spec /^%package doc$ And next you see the offending line: Requires: %{name} = %{version} We remove it and are 1/3 done. Cause now it's time to document the modification you did in the package change log: osc vc - Remove superfluous requirement to rsyslog from the doc sub package. :x osc status # now reports you have two modifications: M rsyslog.changes M rsyslog.spec osc diff # we review our modifications once again osc build openSUSE_Tumbleweed x86_64 # now we try to build it Oppps, Tumbledingens isn't a valid repository. Ok, then we do it against Factory. No, no, no I'll not rant about this name change ;) So we call: osc build openSUSE_Factory x86_64 Now it pulls some rpm to setup the build root. This mainly depends on your line speed. If you're nadwith is limited build agains openSUSE_13.2 to check if a build works. The downloaded packages are cached and therefore the 2nd, 3rd, and so on builds will consume much less or even no download volume. Ok, the packages are here and we see osc setting up the build root: [ 60s] [200/202] cumulate net-snmp-devel-5.7.3-2.1 [ 60s] [201/202] cumulate syslogd-1.4.1-907.1 [ 60s] [202/202] cumulate postgresql-devel-9.3-4.1 [ 60s] now installing cumulated packages [ 61s] Preparing... ######################################## [ 61s] Updating / installing... [ 61s] insserv-compat-0.1-34.370 ################################# ... [ 214s]· [ 214s] 15 packages and 0 specfiles checked; 0 errors, 4 warnings. [ 214s]· [ 214s]· [ 214s] hip finished "build rsyslog.spec" at Thu Apr 30 10:46:01 UTC 2015. Looks promising and therfore let us commit our still local changes to our branched project. osc commit and on top we see magically exracted the change log line we typed in before. Well done osc devs! And below a diff of our actual change. All seperated by a "all below will be ignored" line. One last review if there is a typo or something missing and now we save and quit the editor and see: Sending rsyslog.changes Sending rsyslog.spec Transmitting file data .. Committed revision 2. w00t, our changes are going home to the beloved Frankonia. Calling "osc buildlog" allows us to fetch the log. Hm, as we missed some arguments it displays us the available targets and architectures. And as we only like to follow the most recent outputted lines we use buildlogtail instead of buildlog and thefore call: osc buildlogtail openSUSE_Factory x86_64 and get returned: Server returned an error: HTTP Error 400: rsyslog no logfile rsyslog: no logfile Freom the web UI we see openSUSE_Factory x86_64 and i586 builds are block due to missing rebuilt packages which are required by rsyslog And with the update to version 8.7.0 rsyslog requires several other more recent components which aren't available on 13.2. Not nice but not our issue at the moment. Here I stop and get more coffee and let you comment on further. Cheers, Lars -- Lars Müller [ˈlaː(r)z ˈmʏlɐ] Samba Team + SUSE Labs SUSE Linux, Maxfeldstraße 5, 90409 Nürnberg, Germany