Hi all! Please consider my SR for monotone, the distributed version control system (ID: 29018). This package was once part of the base distro of openSUSE, but probably got removed because unclear package maintenance and build problems. monotone is licensed under GPLv2 and has been around since 2004. It is one of the first distributed version control systems, from which git, Mercurial and all the others borrowed lots of ideas. It has almost 550 functional and many unit tests, not a single critical (read: data-loss) bug in the years since its beginning, is extensible and scriptable with Lua and has a rock-solid implementation in C++. Thanks, Thomas. -- GPG-Key 0x160D1092 | tommyd3mdi@jabber.ccc.de | http://thomaskeller.biz Please note that according to the EU law on data retention, information on every electronic information exchange might be retained for a period of six months or longer: http://www.vorratsdatenspeicherung.de/?lang=en