On Sat, Jan 23, 2016 at 09:35:13AM +0100, Thomas Langkamp wrote:
Am 22.01.2016 um 23:33 schrieb Christian Boltz:
It turned out that my btrfs / partition was full. Not with df -h (which reported some GB free), but "btrfs fi show" showed 100% usage. (Sorry for not including the exact output - I didn't save it.)
I faced the problem some weeks ago and reported it here, but did not know the cause. I assumed my 50GB SSD was going bad, because zypper could not unpack the rpms it downloaded anymore. df showed enough free space, and I did not know about "btrfs fi show". I did know how to limit snapshots to a smaller than default number
The defaults are taken from /etc/snapper/config-templates/default and are for Factory with the regular stream of updates anything than optimal. My modified /etc/snapper/configs/root sets: TIMELINE_LIMIT_HOURLY="10" TIMELINE_LIMIT_DAILY="5" TIMELINE_LIMIT_MONTHLY="1" TIMELINE_LIMIT_YEARLY="0" I'm no longer sure if that's the conclusion from discussions on this or some different list. Cheers, Lars -- Lars Müller [ˈlaː(r)z ˈmʏlɐ] Samba Team + SUSE Labs SUSE Linux, Maxfeldstraße 5, 90409 Nürnberg, Germany