All meeting minutes can be found here: https://etherpad.opensuse.org/p/ReleaseEngineering-meeting Meeting is hosted here https://meet.opensuse.org/ReleaseEngineeringMeeting ## Attendees bittin, guillaumeg, lkocman, DimStar, ddemaio, adrian, richard, maxlin, mmeissner ## Leap 270.3 looks good, most failure are related to missing 15.5 /oss repo (more details below) rest of upgrade failures are related to boo#1202963 (missing liborcus-0.16.so.0) I expect that to be fixed with next snapshot update. I did kill pending jobs, @ttm ignored all failures and started publish. Publishing obs-> ftp-stage seems was fixed by Adrian during the call https://bugzilla.opensuse.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1202116 15.3 nvidia issue missing kernel-devel*57.3 in the GA repo (caused by rewriting ftp-trees as part of QU) https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:LeapQuarterlyUpdates_howto Plan for 15.3 is that autobuild team will rsync ftp trees from OBS to pontifex (while ignorning /iso). ^ Plan for 15.4 ongoing is to not do it this way, perhaps we should simply start building DVD as part of live-images effort. Our net-install image would not work as it expect to have the very same boot-related files from /oss. TW has this addressed according to Fabian lkocman@pontifex2:/home/lkocman> cat /etc/fstab | grep 15.5 /srv/ftp/pub/opensuse/update/leap/15.5/oss_debug /srv/ftp/pub/opensuse/debug/update/leap/15.5/oss auto bind 0 0 /srv/ftp-stage/pub/opensuse/update/leap/15.5/oss_debug /srv/ftp-stage/pub/opensuse/debug/update/leap/15.5/oss auto bind 0 0 Current understanding (based on autobuild) is that we're waiting for maintenance team to finish channel creation. I did @ttm ignore all failures on last build so we have Leap Micro 5.3 publish setup done, image build failures started by end of previous week. Originally I thought it was related to forking udica package, log is not super verbose, I'll reach out to snwint, currently images are rebuilding. (could be allso fixed from SLE Micro side). pontifex / osrt-publish_distro (was ~mirror/publish-distro/publish_distro) change was deployed to pontifex https://progress.opensuse.org/issues/115667 (discussed with heroes) Next candidate for similar move could be scripts/wrappers in ~mirror/bin, ~mirror is under git but not pushed (backed up) anywhere and we have some uncommited changes. mirror@pontifex2:~> cat .git/config [core] repositoryformatversion = 0 filemode = true bare = false logallrefupdates = true mirror@pontifex2:~> git diff | wc -l 85 Discussion about redesign and strategy of get oo.org for the ALP Release and last Leap etc and (related to support of HW older than x86_64-v3) more discussion during next weeks meeting ## openSUSE Tumbleweed openSUSE:Factory build fail stats: 198 failed, 34 unresolvable (1 week ago: 233/18) https://tinyurl.com/ysy4nnnz 26 snapshots in a row without interruption - until today that is: 0830 won't be published due to libxml2 update to 2.10.1, same so-version, but less features enabled thus not ABI compatible (https://bugzilla.opensuse.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1202965) * glibc 2.36 was published as part of snapshot 0827; no full rebuild was triggered, but in combination with libxml2 (which has like half the distro behind it), it's the right moment to do today * Mozilla Thunderbird 102: I have received notice that the new integrated key manager (openpgp) is not very comfortable, especially as 'searching keys' only queries openpgp.com, but no ^ news-o-o / factory@ announcement? <bittin>: there is a new Thunderbird update 6th September 2022, with some bugfixes and security fixes, not sure whats fixed exactly however ## Richard (MicroOS) BCI-for-Tumbleweed containers are progressing slowly Richard moving his daily driver to another laptop, using the exercise as a detailed UX re-evaluation of MicroOS Desktop GNOMEs current status and hitlist for getting things polished up (lubos can help) Currently hindered by investigating TPM/FDE issues with GRUB <lubos>: jeos-firstboot wizard being used? or combustion minimal installation use cases? Richard: we should consider dropping transactional-server role - it is no longer maintained by it's creator (Richard) who believes MicroOS fully obsoletes it. There is also a discussion as to whether the minimal role should be removed due to it's large overlapping usecases with MicroOS ## Max * The Backports checker is finished and the PR is open for review on Github and is open for suggestions https://github.com/openSUSE/openSUSE-release-tools/pull/2848 * Regarding to missing liborcus issue on the latest Leap snapshot, skippkg-finder removes liborcus 0.16 from the ftp-tree after it sees liborcus 0.17 was there, we need to update snpshots repo that should fix this problem Trying to work to solve the missing liborcus-0.16.so.0 problem for Leap 15.5 Lubos: to request a snapshot-update today *Drop python2* packages completely at the end of devel phase. We keep the interpret as a compromise as of now. dimstar: even python2 stuff still in TW lkocman to setup meeting for the next steps Rough idea: announce, keep interpret for some time to allow developer to rebuild packages, drop it with certain milestone (prior to Beta). Max: will check how many package still rely on python2 interpret(Alpha phase) ## Guillaume - Arm Thanks for the backup while I was on vacation! Tumbleweed: * Rolling, no blocker had a new snapshot yesterday 30th August 2022 Leap: * Started to work on 15.5 images ALP: * We have 3 projects in OBS for ALP: devel:LEO (used by openQA atm), devel:ALP and SUSE:ALP. This would need some clarification to know where the work should happen. lkocman: need to check on ARM:Images ARM:Images:ToTest (seems to be done) ## Sarah - s390 Not Available DimStar: s390x is rolling again. Snapshot 0823 has been published (ahead of intel x86_64 thats on 0822). DimStar: same issue again, we have an issue with workers lkocman: to reach out to Sarah and Ihno (these issues are related to openQA - https://progress.opensuse.org/issues/115583 / https://bugzilla.opensuse.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1202821). ## Doug * Events * Asked sponsor a Reproducible Builds event * https://reproducible-builds.org/events/venice2022/ * Connected community rep for KDE Akademy (thx you Stathis) * Submitted asknot-ng PR with several yml inputs * Question on Twitter providing mixed results about the logo& brand colors - https://paste.opensuse.org/75722100 * TSP solution * Discussions sound promissing. Should be briefed on new solution in the next two weeks * ALP * Will discuss marketing of it in community meeting * https://etherpad.opensuse.org/p/weeklymeeting20220901 * GSoC * Planning to send swag to particpants * Final evaluations due Sept. 19 at 18:00 UTC <lubos>: Swag for Chinese students at the SUSE Office ## Dirk Not available Trying to keep the Factory-ARM project building Debugging lack of publishing - Richard to investigate TTM Will be on vacation for the next two weeks ## Wolfgang (Package Hub), Scott Bahling Not available sbahling: Still fixing Package Hub 15 SP4. Around 3500 packages missing compared to SP3. Almost daily customer issue reports. Requires Maintenance Service Center requests for channel modification to process. Seems to be a slow process. Priority on KDE and monitoring-plugins packages. ## Maintenance team (Marina or Marcus, Maurizio (m4u)) 15.5 test update should go out in next test ours, the openSUSE setup is not yet done, we need to setup backports checks and pool repos, we have to do work on our side. Marcus mailed us with project config. The openSUSE / SLE side in IBS it seems to be ready, on openSUSE side there is a lot of setup that needs to be done first. Adrian: the pool repos should be in place now. Some openQA issues in one of the 15.4 groups (timeout), Marcus messaged QE core, however there seems to be no activity. ## Adrian - OBS Working on 15.5 publishing and it should hopefully work now and 15.3 FTP-tree is now downgraded on stage as the new media had NVIDIA bugs openSUSE Leap 15.5 started building yesterday to be published no update on SR mirroring issue (no feedback loop for submit request creators) ## Open Floor New openSUSE Wallpaper