Dear Tumbleweed users and hackers, Another week filled with package submissions, most of them with bug fixing nature. For bugfixes I try to remember what people reported as issues on the mailing list and try to mention the fixes for them. It won't be a complete list though. Updates this week: * As promised, the KDE Applications 15.04.2 have been released onto the Tumbleweed users. * Firefox 38.0.5 was released early in the week and it caused some issues for the KDE users, for who the back button apparently did not work. Firefox 38.0.6 has been released in plus to address this issue. * The kernel received a number of bugfixes (rtlwifi, btrfs) and the next snapshot (20150612) will be receiving the update to version 4.0.5 * The KDE Team was reworking some of the patterns to ensure that upgrading to Tumbleweed for 'late starters' (coming from a supporter release of openSUSE) should have less issues. * man: the issue that root was not allowed to launch man while being in his home directory has been fixed * apache2: the filenames have been reverted back to the upstream names, making existing documentation on the web valid for openSUSE again. The 'old' openSUSE names are preserved for convenience and compatibility. Outlook into the future: * GCC5 made great progress the last week. Basically all issues on packages that are shipped on the DVD have been resolved. We can expect the switch to GCC 5 as the new default compiler for Tumbleweed to happen very soon. Packagers: please keep your eyes open for new failures! Packages that are NOT in the rings (so, packages not on the DVD) have NOT been rebuilt during the staging process. With this, I release you all to the weekend I wish you a great time! Keep the great work up! -- Dimstar / Dominique Leuenberger <dimstar@opensuse.org>