El lun, 23 ago 2021 a las 20:38, Juan Erbes (<jerbes@gmail.com>) escribió:
El dom, 22 ago 2021 a las 4:40, Ben Greiner (<code@bnavigator.de>) escribió:
Am 22.08.21 um 03:56 schrieb Juan Erbes:
The current versions of Openshot-qt don't use PyQt5.QtWebKitWidgets anymore.
That's incorrect. As Christophe wrote, there is no movement upstream in releasing a version without QtWebKit.
Install the package from: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/multimedia%3Aapps/openshot-qt multimedia:apps has v2.5.1. It is the same version that was removed from Factory. BTW a maintainer should remove the broken Link to Factory.
The only problem is derived from ffmpeg 4.4.x and the rendered videos have no audio.
Probably you are confusing multimedia:apps with the packages I created for you in https://build.opensuse.org/project/show/home:bnavigator:branches:multimedia:.... But those come from the develop branch and are not stable.
Yes, You are right!
I removed 4 packages related to PyQt5.QtWebKitWidgets, and Openshot didn't start.
The repo You has created and I have added to my TW is: https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/bnavigator:/pyqt:/webkit/Fa...
Yesterday I rendered a video project 2 times with Openshot (TW+windows): 1- The first time in high quality in TW via VA-API, but because of the bug of ffmpeg 4.4.X (4.4-7.1 Packman), the resulting video had no audio. 2- Later with Openshot in preview mode I recorded the audio track via Audacity. 3- Then I copied the video and audio tracks to the windows drive and with Openshot via CPU (because the VA-API is not available on Windows in the same computer with the proper drivers) I made the final rendering. https://github.com/OpenShot/openshot-qt/issues/4177 https://github.com/OpenShot/libopenshot/issues/676 But no one resolves the ffmpeg 4.4 bug, and because of all the dependent packages of ffmpeg, I have no way to replace ffmpeg 4.4 with ffmpeg 4.3. Regards, Juan -- USA LINUX OPENSUSE QUE ES SOFTWARE LIBRE, NO NECESITAS PIRATEAR NADA Y NI TE VAS A PREOCUPAR MAS POR LOS VIRUS Y SPYWARES: http://www.opensuse.org/es/ Puedes visitar mi blog en: http://jerbes.blogspot.com.ar/