On Thu 2021-04-29, Alberto Planas wrote:
I think that statement needs a bit adjustment. Its the nature of *SLE* that base packages see only minor updates, but Leap was always fed from TW for applications (at least most of them)
See: https://paste.opensuse.org/63245296 This image is really outdated after this one:
The latter image is not describing (let alone prescribing) a change in development methodology. It focuses on a different aspect, namely how SLE 15 SP3 and Leap 15.3 are aligned and parallel each other at a more detailed level - the two layers of the cake as I somehow call it. ;-) The original image focuses more on the evolution from one SP/minor version to the next (but doesn't cover how SLE descends from Tumbleweed, which is something I wanted to emphasize in the newer one). To me, both of them cover key aspects, just putting all of those into one image simply may become too complex. If someone has a good idea, I'd be excited! Gerald