actually this snapshot did fix VLC for me 2015-11-02 10:44 GMT+03:00 Robby Engelmann <robby.engelmann@igfs-ev.de>:
Here all went fine too. Having a lvm luks-crypt setup on a Lenovo X220. The only issue was to remove vlc due to missing dependency (but I heard vlc is broken in qt5.5 anyway?).
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On Monday, November 02, 2015 08:03:50 AM Stephan Kulow wrote:
OBS broke a feature required for our Tumbleweed release process (https://github.com/openSUSE/open-build-service/issues/1326), so the normal release process does not work.
Unfortunately our tool to handle the process wasn't prepared for that, so while it failed to release the ISOs to openQA, it did release the FTP tree - but it wasn't tested due to the lack of a NET.iso. Today it found the latest snapshot in testing (20151022) to be good, so it decided to publish what is there. This is now a bad mix betwen 1022 DVDs and 1030 FTP tree, but worse: the FTP tree is untested and your zypper dup might give you uncatched bugs ;(
I can't revert that, so please zypper dup only on your own risk until told otherwise ;(
Greetings, Stephan
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