On Friday, November 27, 2015 5:16:37 PM CDT Robert Munteanu wrote:
Then my only recommendation is to experiment with iptables and find out which changes you need to perform, and then translate them into a config file like the one I suggested.
It's been close to a year, and I have finally figured out how to get Calibre and Calibre Companion to communicate through the Firewall. I have something further to add, which is that Calibre's debug mode gives the following output when I attempt to set up a wireless device connection: --- SMART_DEV ( 0.00: 0.001) _attach_to_port try ip address "" on port 9045 SMART_DEV ( 0.88: 0.825) startup_on_demand listening on port 9045 SMART_DEV ( 0.88: 0.001) _attach_to_port try ip address "" on port 54982 SMART_DEV ( 0.88: 0.000) startup_on_demand broadcast socket listening on port 54982 SMART_DEV ( 1.89: 1.005) run All IP addresses {'lo': [{'peer': '', 'netmask': '', 'addr': ''}], 'enp5s0': [{'broadcast': '', 'netmask': '', 'addr': ''}], 'tun0': [{'peer': '', 'netmask': '', 'addr': ''}]} --- I have alread set up the following module as described in the last few emails in this thread. --- ## Name: calibre ## Description: Open ports for Calibre Companion # space separated list of allowed TCP ports TCP= "8080 9045 9090 54982" # space separated list of allowed UDP ports UDP= "8080 9045 9090 54982" # space separated list of allowed UDP ports that accept broadcasts BROADCAST= "8080 9045 9090 54982" --- My mistake was adding the calibre module to the External Zone. I assumed it belonged there because it is the first zone to pop up when I clicked on Allowed Services, and I am allowing KDE Connect and Rsync in this tab as well. For reasons I hope someone will enlighted me on, allowing Calibre through the Demilitarized Zone allows me to transfer my ebooks through the ports I have now defined through the calibre module, which are 8080, 9045, 9090, and 54982 (based upon the debug). I hope this helps anyone who is having trouble with this setup.