Greg KH writes:
On Sun, Mar 09, 2014 at 11:11:04AM +0100, Achim Gratz wrote:
Greg KH writes:
That's because all of the Tumbleweed repo just rebuild due to KDE updates, as well as other core updates (kmod and util-linux).
The kernel should either a) never rebuild
It rebuilds when a new kernel update happens, or a dependency of the kernel packages are updated. What is wrong with that?
Nothing, if one of the other points is getting fixed. On the other hand I can't see anything changing that would invalidate the existing kernel build.
or b) the version number needs to change with each rebuild
It does.
Specifically, the build number is incremented, not the version (which really hasn't changed, so there's probably nothing to do here).
or c) all tools making use of the version number need to recognize that a rebuild of the kernel actually overwrites any earlier builds of the same version kernel so the old build is no longer available or
I don't understand what you mean by this.
If you install all those rebuilds on a kernel multiversion enabled system and query for installed packages, you will see that the package system thinks that all combinations of <version>.<buildnumber> are still installed (look at the zypper output earlier to this thread). But only the latest build of each version that you installed is actually present on the system – the files for each build do not actually coexist, since they are overwritten when the new build gets installed. This confuses the hell out of the script that tries to delete old kernels for instance and makes it delete kernel versions that you are actively trying to keep. You can actually zypper rm the old builds without causing damage (but that is a scary thing to do since you can't really tell that it's not removing the current kernel).
d) the kernel installation needs to include the build number so that multiple builds of the same versions can coexist on disk.
It should do that today.
No it doesn't, otherwise there'd be a ".2" right after the "-18" in the following path on my system: /lib/modules/3.13.5-18.gbb654e2-pae As I understand, each package that enables multiversion coexistence must either use an installation path that does include the build number, must never rebuild or must be cleaning up after itself when the install of a rebuilt package overwrites an earlier one. Including the build number is not appropriate for kernels as you almost assuredly want to keep a number of previous versions and not builds of the same version.
I don't understand the problem here, everything works fine on my machines...
Do you use a multiversion enabled kernel or not? If not, it is easy to see why you never encounter the problem since it never presents itself. If yes, then I don't understand why that problem isn't obvious to you. Regards, Achim. -- +<[Q+ Matrix-12 WAVE#46+305 Neuron microQkb Andromeda XTk Blofeld]>+ SD adaptations for KORG EX-800 and Poly-800MkII V0.9: -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: To contact the owner, e-mail: