On 8/12/23 09:01, Olaf Hering wrote:
Fri, 11 Aug 2023 18:40:44 +0200 Franck Bui <fbui@suse.de>:
- at installation, systemd packages will stop installing (empty/template) main configuration files and instead users will find the templates in drop-in directories (such as /etc/systemd/*.conf.d/50-{local,main,xxx}.conf, exact filename to be defined).
systemd is well documented, systemd.directives(7) is one potential entry point.
Please stop polluting /etc with empty and rpm-owned configuration files.
That would be the simplest way to switch to drop-in files only from a packager POV. However I think that a lot of users would be confused by the fact that the main config files are missing. And even worse would be tempted to reintroduce them when they would need to override the defaults as the use of drop-ins is not wide spread yet. The advantages of shipping /etc/systemd/*.conf.d/50-local.conf are: - it implicitly teaches users to use a drop-in file to override defaults - it list all config options and their default in a concise form (as pointed out by Martin) which is convenient. So I would still be tempted to ship the "template" drop-ins at least for now and make them go away in the future when drop-ins will be common practice. That would be a more user-friendly transition IMHO. Thanks.