All meeting minutes can be found here: https://etherpad.opensuse.org/p/ReleaseEngineering-meeting ## Attendees lkocman, ludwig, jsrain, kaiw, drahn Leap Micro discussion with PM ## Expectations from community Daniel: SUSE is trying to give results back to community. The intention was to do it since the initial version, let's make sure that we can offer a decent community offering. Further discussion with interested community members will be on Thursday's community meeting at 8pm CEST https://etherpad.opensuse.org/p/weeklymeeting20211216 ### Migration to the paid linux, what would be the benefit here? The high level benefit of migrating to paid offering is 4 years of Enterprise support and live patching which is additional (not enabled by default). ## The proposed roadmap of community release Leap Micro 5.2 would be the initial public offering: Devel phase start in mid January 2022 and GA/FCS around April 2022. No issues with having Leap Micro released as soon as images are ready (no need to wait for having SLE Micro images published). SLE Micro has Two releases (minor updates) in a year, typically October/April. Proposing 6 months overlap in between individual Leap Micro releases. lkocman: concern about maintenance team having too many code-streams to support jiri: Support until next next release is out. ## Migration paths for initial Release Leap 15.3 -> Leap Micro 5.2 Leap Micro 5.2 -> SLE Micro 5.2 Further discussion needed about resources for testing Leap Micro to SLE Micro migrations. Q: Can SLE Micro / Leap Micro be closer to MicroOS / TW than Leap/SLE. No the base is SLE 15, we're going to be as close as Leap or SLE. Kai: Establishing potential base/platform for some of our specialized efforts Create a variation of MicroOS (if possible always directly within MicroOS) with the focus on boot time, as tiny as possible including security everywhere in mind Not only focused on automotive but taking our "lessons learned" into account here Q: Boot time, Micro os on Rasppi4 takes 2 minutes. Intel version is a few seconds. Ludwig: SLE Micro clone on Leap base had insane initial boot time: uboot, grub, initrd (takes ages). ## Scope ### Arches x86_64, aarch64, system z ppc64le (built, but unsupported) lkocman: could we utilize our armv7 rebuild effort? Daniel: not at moment ### Workload types: Published focus of Leap: https://lists.opensuse.org/archives/list/project@lists.opensuse.org/thread/M... Server deployments, micro services. Intention is only host os. It's not intended to be BaseOS for container, that's Leap or SLE. SLE Micro users are discouraged to pollute small OS with additional packages. Selling point is the separation of workload and the host system. Q: Desktop currently not in our focus. ### ProofOfConcept Based only on SLES packages (as agreed with Daniel). Let's keep it small. https://build.opensuse.org/project/show/openSUSE:Leap:Micro:5.1 ## Space for differences / tuning Space for community could be custom images e.g. for rasp pi usecases