On Mon, 2023-10-09 at 21:35 +0200, Christian Boltz wrote:
Am Montag, 9. Oktober 2023, 20:53:34 CEST schrieb Michael Hamilton:
The main thing that bit me was that the order of /dev/sd* is no longer fixed which caused problems for my boot configuration and drive configuration scripts (hdparm/smartctrl post-boot scripts).
0) My symptom is being unable to boot (I think people reporting slow boots are experiencing a different problem). 1) Make sure /dev/sd* isn't used in /etc/fstab.
I'd recommend to also check /etc/crypttab
Right. I'd be grateful for a list of common places where such references occur. Quick brainstorm: - /etc/fstab - /etc/crypttab - /etc/lvm/lvm.conf - /etc/mdadm.conf - /etc/smartd.conf - /etc/hdparm.conf (does anyone use this? seems to be Debian-only?) - /etc/default/grub and /boot/grub2/grub.cfg - libvirt XML related to storage Did I forget anything important? Note that in almost all cases (especially in fstab), file system labels or UUIDs would be preferred. Martin