Hello! Excuse this offtopic in factory mailing list. But this feb 14th I want to endorse the FSFE campaing #Ilovefs [1] sending a BIG thank you to everyone who makes possible openSUSE!! Packagers, testers, translators, etc... and whole the people who help to maintain this GNU/Linux distro! That way people with less technichal knowledge like me, can enjoy using free software everyday! Thanks a lot community!! And have a lot of fun! [1] https://fsfe.org/activities/ilovefs/index.es.html -- ------------------- GPG Key: 0xcc742e8dc9b7e22a Fingerprint = 6FE2 3B1F AAC8 E5B7 63EA 88A9 CC74 2E8D C9B7 E22A Aprende a proteger la privacidad de tu correo: https://emailselfdefense.fsf.org/es/ Mi blog sobre openSUSE, GNU/Linux y software libre: https://victorhckinthefreeworld.com/ Herramientas para proteger tu privacidad https://victorhck.gitlab.io/privacytools-es/