On 2023-05-27 12:51, Wouter Onebekend via openSUSE Factory wrote:
Rotten flesh. So I am rotten flesh that needs to be cut out to you. That's quite the insult. Are insults permitted under your precious code of conduct? Or are some insults just more equal than others? Either way, this does not feel very inclusive to me.
You're posting under a name which we've never seen in this mailinglist before So, either you're an established community who KNOWS what you are doing is wrong and choosing to do so anonymously in an attempt to mitigate the consequences. Or you're a complete stranger who's just here to cause trouble. Either way, yes, rotten flesh is a perfectly apt description.
And needs to be done rather yesterday than tomorrow. Their membership needs to be revoked, they need to be banned, not moderated.
Where do they go when they get banned here (and from their jobs as the dutiful Just and Righteous snitch on them to their equally rainbow colored employer)? And where do they go once they get banned, not moderated from the next place? Where does it end? Please state clearly what you want to happen to these people. They are rotten flesh after all. How do you propose a Good and Just society (after all a Good and Just society cannot suffer exclusionary, conservative communities to exist inside itself, right?) get rid of such filth? Please do go into as much detail as you can. I think I have a fairly good idea of your intentions but I'd like to hear them from yourself. As a Board Member who supports the Code of Conduct and fearless champion of the LGBT community you should be vocal about this.
I really don't care where they go, as long as it's not anywhere with openSUSE in the name. Ideally, I would hope they find that every other Linux, open source, and free software community is equally unwelcoming to them and they actually find themselves forced to attempt some introspection and self improvement. But as long as they're not filling up my mailbox with mails of the calibre you've demonstrated under your "Wouter Onebekend" moniker, then I really, really, do not care.