28 Jun
28 Jun
Watching it now :) 2023-06-28 13:07 GMT+02:00, ddemaio <ddemaio@suse.de>:
Hi all, Yesterday's ALP Architecture meeting touched on several aspects for the project/community to consider in the next few weeks. Please video the "There's a mountain to climb: openSUSE's response to SUSE ALP" presentation at https://youtu.be/-y2ewBG62J4 and find the notes for the Q&A session at https://etherpad.opensuse.org/p/weeklymeeting20230627
We are looking for help as more people are need to build openSUSE's next generational distribution. Please watch the video to gain some insight for this transition.
Check out the following matrix channel: https://chat.opensuse.org/#/room/#alp:opensuse.org | https://matrix.to/#/#alp:opensuse.org
v/r Doug