Definitions: - upstream plasma-workspace, "UPW": - upstream default plasma-workspace session, "UDS": UPWs' default session - oS plasma-workspace, "osPW": - oS plasma-workspace Full Wayland session, "Full Wayland": one of the two osPW sessions - the GDK_BACKEND patch, "The Patch", - "Unpatched": Full Wayland minus The Patch Assumptions: 0. Unpatched is relevantly identical to UDS, that is, as far as the values of QT_QTA_PLATFORM & GDK_BACKEND are concerned 1. As far as user experience (including stability for both GTK & Qt applications), sustainability in view of upstream support, and performances: Unpatched > Full Wayland > Xwayland > X Question: - Would the osPW packagers & maintainers be so kind as to make and provide a package offering Unpatched for the openSUSE community to test out, so as to adduce evidence for or against (1)? If the answer to the question is 'Yes', I would be happy to collaborate closely with the osPW packagers & maintainers to ensure that the appropriate communication is done, so as to minimize bias risks and to make sure that consent or dissent are well-informed.