On 2018-08-03 14:28, simonizor wrote:
On Friday, August 3, 2018 7:15:14 AM CDT, Per Jessen wrote:
simonizor wrote:
These messages look pretty mixed up to me: https://image.ibb.co/kLcrmK/yadshot08_02_18_211858.png
Ignoring the lack of indentation after follow-up level3, I think they're correctly listed.
If that's properly listed, then this is just straight up silly. I can't even click next and go to the *actual* next reply. It takes me to some reply I've already seen 5 times.
You guys seem to forget that ***ALL*** Tumbleweed users should be following this list. That becomes a problem when it's not at all intuitive to use for people who are not used to mailing lists... which is (believe it or not) the vast majority of younger people. You guys are basically turning openSUSE into an old boy's club by having ancient tech running something that ***every*** Tumbleweed user should be following.
But you see, none of us follow the lists at<https://lists.opensuse.org>. We don't read the lists there. We only use those on emergencies, when we seek for old posts that we don't have a local copy on our computers. Thus the shortcomings of the list archive are not important to most of us. However, you are welcome to improve the archive web interface. Help is wanted ;-) -- Cheers / Saludos, Carlos E. R. (from 42.3 x86_64 "Malachite" at Telcontar)