On Sat, 1 Apr 2006, Jan Karjalainen <jrock@fmbv.nu> wrote:- <snip>
-- Seems we're alone here today! ;-)
It's that annoying thing known as Real Life (TM). Sometimes it doesn't half get in the way of doing things.
I tried the script posted here earlier, and I successfully created a DVD with custom RPMs included.
Which does beg the question as to what the difference is between my script and Houghis. Well, apart from the fact that mine was written just for myself and Houghi wrote his to share.
Had to change the boot/i386 to accommodate for x86_64 version.
I was going to reply to your earlier post saying about the i386 loader not being found by suggesting that change but you didn't need it. Regards, David Bolt -- Member of Team Acorn checking nodes at 50 Mnodes/s: http://www.distributed.net/ AMD1800 1Gb WinXP/SUSE 9.3 | AMD2400 256Mb SuSE 9.0 | A3010 4Mb RISCOS 3.11 AMD2400(32) 768Mb SUSE 10.0 | Falcon 14Mb TOS 4.02 | A4000 4Mb RISCOS 3.11 AMD2600(64) 512Mb SUSE 10.0 | | RPC600 129Mb RISCOS 3.6