I assume the point of releasing the updates for testing was to get feedback - so here goes.. I haven't done heavy testing - but I've had Zen updater running for a few days - added some repos with rug, zen and YaST etc. I must say that I don't feel much of a difference. Performance wise it still takes a lot of time to "parse metadata" and "update-status" on my amd64 3000+ with inst-source, non-oss, kde-update, guru, packman. And it often ends up using about 150-250 megs of swap - I have 1 gig of ram, and normally don't swap at all. But I guess no promises were made in this department. I was under the impression that the "unsigned repo warning"-issue would be fixed by these updates - but I still get those. But I definitely haven't noticed any new bugs or worsening in any area - so for all I can say the updates are ready to go. I Think some people will be dissapointed though - when they see the updates they're probably going to think all the issues will be fixed. Btw., to finish up on a positive note, I had a look at the changelog for the packages, using the new changelog-feature in YaST - I really love how YaST SW gives me huge amounts of information and control. Also gives insight to the huge amount of work that's being done on the packagemanagement stuff. Martin / cb400f