Op maandag 18 maart 2024 09:27:37 CET schreef Roger Oberholtzer:
My update failed. At some point when doing the installs, the system rebooted automatically. And I had a new sddm login screen, where I was expecting to see the completed zypper dup. On one display was a virtual keyboard, and on another was the sddm login. But with complaints about missing things. And a login failed, returning me back to the sddm login. The rollback failed. So I had to delete snapshots by hand to get to where I was before the attempted update. And now most of my system is read-only, even though the mounts are all rw. So, generally speaking, not a successful update. I'm now trying to see how to make the system not be read-only. The snapshot I am in is the most recent.
I did have the same experience, but after that I went to a console Ctrl+Alt+F1 and entered "zypper dup" which completed the upgrade. After a reboot I got the proper login screen and was able to login. Later I found out that I entered a Wayland session. Now I am back to X11 because SimpleScreenRecorder does not work in Wayland. -- fr.gr. member openSUSE Freek de Kruijf