Hello, as Thomas Esser announced (http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.tex.tetex.general/1226), there will be no new versions of teTeX. (And depending on the things you are doing with TeX, teTeX 3.0 is already pretty old; especially for ConTeXt users.)
Basically, teTeX consists of a source tree and a texmf tree with fonts, macros, configuration, etc.
The source tree of teTeX-3.0 is included 100% in TeX Live (http://www.tug.org/texlive/) which is released once per year.
This would be good reason to use the source tree of TeX Live in OpenSUSE.
The texmf tree of teTeX is a monolitic distribution of individual CTAN packages.
This seems to be the harder part as to my knowledge the texmf part of TeX Live is rather big. For Debian there exists a project to create TeX Live DEBs (http://www.tug.org/texlive/debian.html), though they seem to have split TeX Live into too many .debs. Tobias