16 May
16 May
On 15/5/24 11:44, Axel Braun wrote:
as a heads-up: after yesterdays TW update my .bash_history is gone (with timestamp of yesterdays update)
Anyone else?
I've seen this bug a couple of times, very infrequently. This could happen if the shell doesn't exit cleanly (a crash), see BASH's maintainer reply here: https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bash/2013-07/msg00096.html I am not sure of the current behaviour in BASH, but I assume the same file writing race condition still exits somehow, very infrequent, but still there. To get around that, I do a regular backup of $HOME, which includes ~/.bash_history (and/or a git repo init'ed in ~/, with .bash_history committed to the repo every now and then). Regards, Ahmad Samir