"Dominique Leuenberger" <Dominique.Leuenberger@TMF-Group.com> writes:
Hi everybody,
out of curiosity I checked bugzilla for Enhancement requests filed against openSUSE 10.3 and there are some available.
I was wondering if there is a formal process / voting to bring them in and if the community could help on anything.
If there are big ones that need coordination between different parts of the distribution, then I'd like to know about them. for helping out: The best way is IMO if somebody from the community takes over one of the enhancements and builds a package in the buildservice.
I guess it will be best to start addressing them as early as possible to have enough time for debugging afterwards.
Definitely ;-) Andreas -- Andreas Jaeger, aj@suse.de, http://www.suse.de/~aj/ SUSE Linux Products GmbH, Maxfeldstr. 5, 90409 Nürnberg, Germany GPG fingerprint = 93A3 365E CE47 B889 DF7F FED1 389A 563C C272 A126