On 2020/11/09 10:55, Carlos E. R. wrote:
RPM to support zstd payload, still is not lost: the TW instance cna be 'offline upgraded' (i.e. boot the NET install/DVD and pick 'upgrade' in the bootloader. This will use RPM on the DVD/NEt and allow to move to a current TW snapshot).
Well, yeah, basically like doing a reinstall over the old installation without formatting. I'm pretty sure that would result in a non-working (if even bootable) result.
No, this is a documented procedure. It is the same procedure as used to upgrade a machine from 13.1 to 13.2 before zypper dup was invented. And, it can be used as well for emergency recovery of broken systems. Try it out in a virtual machine.
As soon as I get to a point where they work again -- an ongoing problem when one upgrades the kernel from source.
I'm in the middle [disk maintenance] in a lilo-boot
If you have lilo it is possible that the DVD upgrade could refuse to start.
That's sorta what I meant by non-working (if even bootable) result.
--- I'd rather not write over everything from my current install. I don't think it would correctly upgrade/update my config files
You would get them converted to .rpmold, or get .rpmnew, as with any other update. AFAIK, the procedure never deletes your config files.
But it would likely result in a non-bootable or non-working system. There are likely certain boot & service related issues that would have to be worked out as well. I need to figure out how to update the rpm format w/o throwing out the kitchen sink. Being able to essentially boot off a mini-root on disk is a big aid to recovering from many (though not all) HW probs.