Hi, Am 03.01.22 um 09:52 schrieb Michael Ströder:
Python 3.6 has reached EOL and various Python module packages already drop support for 3.6. But still Python 3.6 is planned to be shipped with Leap 15.4 instead of a newer version.
Before this thread develops into the 10th or so discussion about Python versions in Leap and Tumbleweed within the last 12 moths: Please be very specific about your demands and claims. The "instead of a newer version" will immediately be dismissed by the fact that 15.3 already ships the Python 3.9 interpreter in addition to 3.6 and there was once an announcement here on the list that they even want to include Python 3.10 in 15.4. The real discussion is about what Python version the system packages have to use. And because, as I understand it, all 15.X releases need to maintain the binary compatibility of earlier 15 releases, they cannot move away from Python 3.6.
IMO this does not make sense at all.
It's the decision of SUSE and they have to allocate the manpower to support their Enterprise products. I am not sure if the decision makers are really aware of the consequences. As evidenced how the python36 drop in Tumbleweed and the python310 introductions are handled, and the by the increasing number of threads popping up on the mailing lists, reddit posts and so on about Python versions, there is at least a lack of clear communication to the community about it.
Ciao, Michael.
- Ben