Fedora Core 5 is out and the first review is out, nice review....for Linux-experts. Every Windows-user will think twice or trice :D: http://lunapark6.com/?p=481 I hope SUSE won't have the same. "There was enough glitches in the second install, that I can say if you have a Nvidia card or a motherboard with the Nvidia nForce chipset, you should look elsewhere for a linux o.s. or be prepared to do a fair amount of tweaking." "Once the anaconda installer started to probe for my hardware, my screen turned into a jumbled screen of garbage." "A minor pain but I --manually-- added the other operating systems to the grub menu after the installation was complete." "These types of small quirks would definitely put off windows users trying out linux for the first time." "Something tells me Fedora could have gone through a longer test cycle to iron out these quirks,...." Especially the last one I really don't want to see. I want 10.1 out, I really do. When I got beta3 I thought that it would be out in a month or so. I was on the edge everytime to see new things and see the improvements, so I am not lay back about the release. But the problems have to be solved before 10.1 is released. Otherwise I really have a -1 for SUSE Linux, despite my 100% fan-status. Azerion (smiling that SUSE is not the only one with problems)