Lost my head. Yes, I intended to send this to the Factory list. But I forgot an important bit...LFNW is heavy on technology, light on marketing and hype. Lots of people who work, not so many who just talk. Carl On 04/19/2018 06:06 PM, Carl Symons wrote:
On April 29th, there will be an openSUSE mini-summit in Bellingham, WA in conjunction with LinuxFest Northwest (April 28th and 29th). This is the 19th year of the Fest. It is the original grass-roots FOSS event. As usual there are many presentations and an expo, as well as parties, food, and beer. All low-key. All free. Except lunch. It's not free. TANSTAAFL.
LFNW registration is required to attend the parties. Check out the schedule and the event, then register [1]. In addition to the presenters, there are always interesting characters at the Fest.
The openSUSE mini-summit [2] is an un-conference on Sunday. What happens mostly depends on who shows up. There are already some activities planned, a hacker room, lounge area, free stuff, people you know from the mailing list, openSUSE contributors and users. Please register at events.opensuse.org. Even if you can't attend in person, it will be helpful to be able to know the interest.
LFNW draws people primarily from California, the Pacific Northwest, Idaho, Montana, Utah. Its fame has grown bigger than the immediate geographical area. It's worth the effort to get here.
For both events, you will need to create an account and then register for the event.
[1] linuxfestnorthwest.org [2] events.opensuse.org
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