Hi Houghi, On Sat, May 27, 2006 at 05:26:47PM +0200, houghi wrote:
What files are to be edited or deleted so that it is clear that it is your own distribution based on the 3 or 5 CD set and no longer Novell's?
So question one is what files to edit. @Adrian, can you help here Question 2 is if you are allowed to say that it is based on SUSE or not. As of today usage of any Novell trademark is not allowed. But especially with the build service we are interested in customized distributions which are saying something like "based on" or "powered by" SUSE Linux. I am atm in contact with Novell legal to set up some rules how we handle this.
Question 3 is if there are any other limitations or requirements. Adrian?
Michael -- houghi http://houghi.org http://www.plainfaqs.org/linux/ http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote.html