Felix Miata a écrit :
1-Subscribers don't receive messages from authors, they receive messages from listservs.
I've never seen a list server write a message :-)
2-The principle of least surprise dictates that public messages automatically receive public replies in the absence of special handling by those who wish their message to go someplace other than from whence it came. The message each subscriber received did not come directly from any author, and consequently it should not be expected to go directly back to any author.
the list is made of several people, so the use of "reply to all" seems the very more obvious system. in fact there is little difference between the two setups, the problems comes because some people come from a list that uses one setup and are not acostumed to the other. personnally I was really upset by the fact that opensuse and suse lists did not use the same setup. Now it's the same, easy to comply with... jdd -- http://www.dodin.net http://dodin.org/galerie_photo_web/expo/index.html http://lucien.dodin.net http://fr.susewiki.org/index.php?title=Gérer_ses_photos