Dear Tumbleweed users and hackers During the last two weeks, openSUSE Tumbleweed has seen a total of 9 snapshots being released. As you come to expect from Tumbleweed, those snapshots are filled with updates. And as usual, the snapshots are tested by openQA before they are shipped out (in the last two weeks, for example, three snapshots were tested and discarded before publishing). The snapshots that did get published were 0524, 0525, 0527, 0529, 0601, 0603, 0604, 0605 and 0606 (hot off the press), summing up to those major changes: * Linux kernel 5.1.4, 5.1.5 & 5.1.7 * Switch to GCC 9 as distro default compiler (full rebuild) * Mozilla Firefox 67.0 & Thunderbird 60.7.0 * libopenraw 0.1.3 (beware: .pc file was renamed from *-1.0.pc to *-0.1.pc) * Mesa 19.0.5 * flatpak 1.4.0 * strace 5.1 * nodejs10.16.0 The distro keeps on rolling, and based on the staging projects I can predict those updates coming soon to Tumbleweed: * openssl 1.1.1c * Texlive 2019 * KDE Plasma 5.16 * Qt 5.13 * LLVM 8 * swig 4.0 * cmake 3.14 Cheers Dominique