* Carlos E. R. <robin.listas@telefonica.net> [09-04-22 14:45]:
On 2022-09-04 16:29, Patrick Shanahan wrote:
* ub22@gmx.net <ub22@gmx.net> [09-04-22 06:46]:
Hi Patrick,
Am Samstag, 3. September 2022, 21:59:16 CEST schrieb Patrick Shanahan:
IMHO, Tumbleweed is not for novices. It is aimed at users that can solve many problems on their own, with some admin knowledge. This, I think, was posted at some web page long ago but may have disappeared: after all, nobody wants to scare users away ;-)
any distro including windoz requires more than just sitting in front of the box. could you drive a car w/o some training and practice and care and you even had to obtain a license.
Yep, you need a driving license to use a care. But the car should work reliable and you don't need to be a car mechanics or car electronics (in the future more car SW developer ;-) )
how to use the key if one how the gears work or how to select a gear
Over here, gears are part of the exam.
which means that one must learn to use the gears, or does the exam do that for you?
how to turn on the windshield wiper how to fill the gas tank what type of gas/petrol to use many things more than just sitting at the steering wheel
And I know drivers that do not know how to fill the tank, so they go to manned stations.
an if no "manned stations" are available. I cannot tell you where to find a "manned" station here.
And, there are some cars where opening the hood is forbidden to the owner/driver.
***unbelievable*** maybe *only* in Spain. makes sense thou, goes along with the water. -- (paka)Patrick Shanahan Plainfield, Indiana, USA @ptilopteri http://en.opensuse.org openSUSE Community Member facebook/ptilopteri Photos: http://wahoo.no-ip.org/piwigo paka @ IRCnet oftc