13.02.2025 20:45, Knurpht-openSUSE wrote:
Op donderdag 13 februari 2025 18:11:33 Midden-Europese standaardtijd schreef Miguel Rozsas:
I think it was a bad move.
From my previous experience with RHEL, SELinux is unmanageable by the regular user.
No idea who/what message you are quoting here
Are you kidding? You are not aware that mailers escape lines starting with From since the very beginning?
If the user does not find a proper fix to this problem, they just put SELinux in permissive mode or even worse, disabled and never think about it again.
They will learn soon enough.
No, they won't. SELinux is extremely complicated, tools needed to inspect the current policy are not even installed by default. If with AppArmor users can disable the single profile that is causing troubles leaving all others in enforcing mode, with SELinux it will be all or nothing from practical point of view.