Pete Connolly wrote:
On Thursday 26 June 2008 21:03:32 Lukas Ocilka wrote:
I'm afraid that not *all* people are color-blind...
Tags: irony :) ;) Sorry for that.
Not all, but hopefully enough to count! Forgetting the silly suggestions, I think for someone who can't really see red text in a mass of information like the partitioner, bolded or enlarged text should be used. Maybe with a confirmation before commiting, but we have to be careful not to over warn.
Exactly! BTW: Qt4 installation uses a special feature: Stylesheets. In my opinion, there could be an option when starting the installation VisuallyImpaired=1 that would make installation use another style specially modified for such people (Just another idea how to solve it).
I noticed on the partitioner earlier, when you delete a partition (as I tested with my HP_RECOVERY partiton), the partition is immediately removed from the screen, even though it still exists on disk, and I was able to cancel safely. This isn't good feedback to the user, and suggests that what they have done is immediate, even though the change hasn't been commited. I might have to file this as a seperate problem on bugzilla, away from the colour thing.
Well, that's actually a feature. Partitioner (and other modules either) don't proceed unless you confirm the installation/upgrade. On the other hand, you can always go back and, for instance, reread the 'current' partitioning and start from the beginning again. Maybe it could create a queue of operations to be done (visible for users) the same way as Partition Magic does that (or did? I haven't seem PM for ages :)...). But this sound like another issue and it would be better to start another thread. Bye Lukas