One other suggestion that could work for this scenario of old software is containers. Basically install the software in a container (docker/apptainer) and then use that to run it. Kind regards Detlev 20 Nov 2024 08:24:16 Simon Becherer <>:
Am 20.11.24 um 00:05 schrieb Shawn W Dunn:
On 11/19/24 14:40, Michael Born wrote:
Hi all.
Some weeks ago I was using EAGLE 7 to design a circuit board. Today it does not start anymore because of missing libraries (see below). zypper does not find a libopenssl1_0_0
How can I run the old commercial software binary on my tumbleweed computer?
Cheers, Michael
miborn@localhost:~/eagle7/lin> ldd eagle (0x00007f3a22129000) ... => not found => not found Spin up a Leap or Debian Distrobox and run it there?
qemu-kvm with old system, i did the same with a proprietary commercial software from the year 2000 take care that this box will not have connections to the outer world, because of in the future missing security updates.
you could for the short fixing of the problem use tumblweed cli, try to switch to the oldest availible version and check if the missing librarys are still there (this will only work if you encounter the problem about 2-max3 weeks after updating. i checked at the moment, they are not there anymore) then from a backup of your system, copy the files. if you have it running again, make a dd of your system and fire it up in qemu, delete everything you do not need, shrink the image, change network-address and you have a running virtual system. but most times install a new (older system) is faster/cleaner.
copy it to your proprietary software directory and check that the software find/load them. (ld-preload ore something like that will help) -> but you will (maybe) face the same problem again in the future with other library's.
and by the way, this is not a question for this list, use for such questions or