I really wish I knew why so much of the Linux community has a problem with names and having to name every free project with the words "free" or "open" or even "oss" in them. Or even so many KDE and GNOME apps that feel the need to put "Ks" and "Gs" in front of them. Why can't we just keep the suse name? Is it really that difficult to keep everything suse but the domain name which DESCRIBES the project? I respected SUSE for keeping the original name instead of confusing users (which i'll bit, opensuse.org site did kinda confuse me at first but when u realize its a project to create the SUSE distribution..it makes sense). I know there's no way to change this now but it sure would be nice if Novell would reconsider, and other projects with something worth making reconside their cheap naming schemes and come up with a catchy name. On 8/11/06, jdd <jdd@dodin.org> wrote:
Michael Loeffler a écrit :
* for the pre-10.2, the name SUSE Linux is acceptable (and can be written as you like, capitalized or not, SuSE or SUSE) we should give a clear direction - and this is openSUSE There will be different writing anyway but we shouldn't start with it.
by the way these writings are already here and it's mostly why I made this proposal. there are SUSE Linux anywhere in the wiki, beginning with the front page :-) and it could be seen as normal than any distribution keep the name it has got at birth :-)
same as above - openSUSE
but openSUSE windows or openSUSE BSD? in some context Linux is the central point.
I know all this seems a bit unreal (personally, I don't really bother of the name), but I have seen many flames with no more substance and it should be nice to have a central point in the wiki
jdd -- http://www.dodin.net http://dodin.org/galerie_photo_web/expo/index.html http://lucien.dodin.net http://fr.susewiki.org/index.php?title=Gérer_ses_photos
-- Steve