Hello, In the Message; Subject : Re: TW 20240512 kills bash history Message-ID : <4379624.UPlyArG6xL@x1e> Date & Time: Wed, 15 May 2024 13:29:43 +0200 [AB] == Axel Braun <docb@opensuse.org> has written: AB> Am Mittwoch, 15. Mai 2024, 12:46:48 MESZ schrieb Masaru Nomiya: MN> > Ah, how about this? MN> > $ sudo chown docb:docb ~/.bash_history && chmod 660 ~/.bash_history AB> Not sure that makes sense, as there is no group 'docb' This is mine; -rw------- 1 masaru masaru 14177 May 15 20:55 ~/.bash_history AB> docb@X1E:~> dir .bash_history AB> -rw------- 1 docb users 0 14. Mai 17:21 .bash_history AB> -> Its only writeable for me, and receives updates after bash session AB> is closed. AB> Not sure the latter was always the case.... Your history command store in RAM until you regularly terminate your terminal. Then list of your command write into the .bash_history. If you wanted to write your commands history at anytime you need, use below command: $ history -a Best Regards & Good Night. --- ┏━━┓彡 Masaru Nomiya mail-to: nomiya @ lake.dti.ne.jp ┃\/彡 ┗━━┛ "Loyalty cards are a symbol of "spending" not "saving"... I saved 20,000 yen a month when I stopped "act of collecting points"" -- Shihomi Shimomura --