@Martin: I'm posting over on this thread so as to not spam the bug report . . . . Thanks for mentioning my name over there in regards to my "grub2" issues and inviting me to file a new bug report, etc. Up until this morning I thought my problems with grub2 were resolved . . . . However, this morning I booted my TW install, which the / directory is in one drive and /home is in another . . . and a strange "hybrid" system that was "TW" but was also showing "ubuntu" data, and failing to recognize "zypper," suggesting I could install it via "apt install zypper" . . . . Happened. I rebooted and picked the oldest kernel installed and was able to run a "zypper" to install 498 packages . . . after which the reboot seemed to bring TW only to the GUI. That seemed like maybe an "sdX" misread problem . . . possibly relating to the now closed bug. But, I'll monitor it for a bit to see if it recurs . . . . F