Alexey Eremenko wrote:
No, packages should be built with the distro compiler, and no, whatever requires GCC 3 needs to be either excluded or fixed.
This exception is a "no-no" IMHO.
Well it can have the brand of compatibility;
Wasn't the original plan to package 'useful utilities' or something among these lines? Now adding this old compiler just to be able to compile a package written in historic C++ (didn't we talk about maintainability / upstream support?), this old library because another project didn't catch up with api changes (likewise), this new library because this cool app unfortunately requires features only found in svn HEAD of said library - where does this stop? I'm affraid that without a hard rule of not duplicating packages from the distro, the new repository won't be much different from existing repos (and I'm not sure I would still want to participate in that). Michal --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: