On Wed, 2017-12-13 at 18:28 +0700, C. Brouerius van Nidek wrote:
With the latest update with zypper dup I got the following information after I had locked all 32bit files (zypper al *32bit*) and after I had deleted numerous 32bit files already on my system (147) without any protest of eventual affected files.
If you do 'zypper al *32bit*', then yes, you locked > 2k packages and zypper tells you about it. You'd be better off to 'just' lock glibc-32bit i.e zypper al glibc-32bit with glibc-32bit locked out, all the other 32bit packages can't be installed for unsatisfiable dependencies and you're also where you want to be. Note: blocking -32bit stops you from using wine and steam (just in case everybody wants to do that now and will find out the hard way) Cheers Dominique